
The ankle and foot are usually discussed in the clinical setting as one joint complex.

Full ankle range of motion (ROM) is achieved by a combination of joints in the ankle and foot. Three joints make up the ankle: tibiofibular joint, talocrural joint, and subtalar joint. They work together to keep you standing upright when the ground isn’t always flat or still like when standing on a boat.

The foot can be divided up into three regions: the hindfoot (rearfoot), midfoot, and forefoot. The junction between the regions, from hindfoot to midfoot and midfoot to forefoot are the midtarsal joint and the tarsometatarsal joint complex, respectively.

The actions of the ankle and foot can cause movement in one direction – plantar flexion, dorsiflexion, inversion, eversion – or a combined movement. Working together, this allows unique actions needed for walking – pronation and supination.

The complexity of the many interconnected joints and structures can make injuries to this area common.

ankle and food anatomy

Common Causes Of Ankle And Foot Pain

Ankle and foot pain can be unexpected like randomly waking up with heel pain or following a traumatic event. Prolonged standing and walking are common causes of pain, but the severity can vary depending on your day-to-day activities.

Other causes of ankle pain include:

  • Anterior ankle impingement syndrome
  • Ankle sprains such as a “rolled ankle”
  • Achilles tendinopathy
  • Syndesmotic sprain
  • Sinus tarsi syndrome
  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome
  • Other types of tendonitis
  • Other ligament sprains or tears
  • Muscle strains or tears
  • Fractures
  • And more

Other causes of foot pain include:

  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Metatarsalgia
  • Morton’s neuroma
  • Turf toe
  • Lisfranc fracture
  • Ligament sprains or tears
  • Muscle strains or tears
  • Other fractures
  • And more

Common symptoms include:

  • Difficulty walking
  • Clicking/popping
  • Swelling or stiffness
  • Pain (aching, sharp, dull)
  • Difficulty moving bending ankle and toes

How Physical Therapy Helps You

Many issues occur in ankles and feet because most activities require us to be on our feet. Your symptoms can be local (within the ankle/foot), referred pain from a muscle, or radiating from the spine. A physical therapist can evaluate you to determine the cause of your symptoms to help manage pain, improve mobility, and restore strength.

Following the initial evaluation, your physical therapist will determine and discuss the cause of your pain or issues. Together, you and your physical therapist will set goals specific to your needs and create a plan of care. Your plan of care will help you accomplish your goals and get you back to what you enjoy doing!

Living with pain does not have to be your new norm. Contact us to get a free phone consult and schedule an initial appointment if you’re suffering from ankle and/or foot pain.

physical therapist applying kinesio
