What is Vestibular Rehabilitation?

Vestibular rehabilitation is an exercise-based program designed to target your individual need based on your signs and symptoms. This specialized type of therapy is aimed to help problems caused by vestibular disorders, such as dizziness, gaze instability, and balance impairments. Vertigo is the most common type of vestibular dysfunction.

You can develop vertigo and/or balance impairments when your vestibular system becomes compromised. Even though a specific event like direct trauma to the head and neck or an ear infection can cause vertigo, usually it is benign and “paroxysmal,” meaning it happens all of a sudden not due to any specific injury or reason.

It can be extremely debilitating when individuals experience vertigo. Oftentimes, it causes nausea and balance dysfunction making it difficult to maintain an upright posture. Luckily, vertigo is easily treatable by physical therapists through something called canalith repositioning.

Your physical therapist will conduct an exam and then place your head in various positions. This will move any floating crystals back to the otoliths where they belong relieving symptoms and balance dysfunction.

Depiction of a person feeling dizzy

Examples of Vestibular Rehabilitation

  • Canalith repositioning for vertigo
    • Some examples include Epley maneuver, BBQ roll, and Semont
  • Gaze stabilization exercises
  • Balance retraining
  • Habituation exercises
